From: Gill Musson []
Sent: 19 April 2012 14:57
To: Bacon, Debbie
Subject: Fwd: Standards Regime

Attachments: image001.gif
Hi Debbie
Below is the response from the Chief Executive regarding the meeting Angela and I had with him 2 weeks ago. Could you please print it off and send a copy to all the members of the Standards Committee asap please.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ChiefExecutive <>
Date: 19 April 2012 10:43
Subject: Standards Regime
Cc: Leader <>

Dear Dr Musson & Mrs Bingham
Thank you for meeting the Leader and me on Wednesday.  We found the discussion both helpful and informative and it has given us both a better understanding of the issues the Council  must consider when designing its new standards arrangements.   
The discussion was wide ranging and included the proposed enhanced role of the monitoring officer in the new arrangements.  I explained the independent nature of the role and the lack of managerial control over the monitoring officer when she is acting in that capacity.  We also touched on the problem of  trivial complaints, mainly from parish council members,  which had blighted the current arrangements and was a catalyst for the government's decision to revoke the requirement for councils to adopt a statutory code of conduct and a statutory standards committee.
We all agreed that it was essential that the public has confidence in the Council's standards arrangements and that the best way of achieving this is by having an independent element comprised of independent members with voting rights.   The only caveat to this was that the Council must act within the law.  I have since discussed this with the monitoring officer, Jacquie Collins, and Mr Waller, who have advised me that the legislation is drafted in such a way that whilst the Council could co-opt  independent members, they could not legally have a vote.   We have taken soundings from other Council's regarding their interpretation of the legislation and they do not dissent from the legal advice I have received.  It is clear therefore that voting rights for independent members cannot be delivered within the law.  However, to honour the spirit of our discussion  I have  asked the monitoring officer and Mr Waller to prepare a report on the new standards arrangements for consideration by the Cabinet with the new committee having an independent component in.  I understand the report will be submitted to the Standards Committee for information prior to it being considered by Cabinet.
Kind regards
Martin Kimber
Chief Executive  

Chief Executive's Office
Chief Executive

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